General Exceptions
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General Exceptions

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General Exceptions

Inherit from Exception:

RayaAbortExceptionRa-Ya App/Handler was aborted, due to a system signal or an error.
RayaNotStartedRa-Ya App/Handler couldn't start.
RayaAppFinishedRa-Ya App/Handler was finished.
RayaAppAbortedRa-Ya App aborted by the user

All the exceptions raised by Raya Python library inherits from from the exception RayaException.

Complete list of exceptions:

Commands Exceptions

Inherit from RayaCommandException:

RayaCommandTimeoutCommand response timeout reached.
RayaCommandFrozenCommand cancel response timeout reached.

Application exceptions

Inherit from RayaApplicationException:

RayaApplicationAlreadyRegisteredRa-Ya application is already registered.
RayaApplicationNotRegisteredRa-Ya application is not registered.
RayaAppsAdminExceptionAn exception occurred in the Ra-Ya apps admin.
RayaUnknownServerErrorAn unknown Ra-Ya server error occurred.
RayaNotAvailableServerRa-Ya server is not available.
RayaNotServerPermissionsRa-Ya server does not have the required permissions.
RayaCommandAlreadyRunningCommand is already running or hasn't been deregistered.
RayaCommandNotRunningCommand is not running.
RayaCommandNotCancelableCommand is not cancelable.
RayaCommandCanceledCommand was canceled.
RayaGoalNotAcceptedGoal was not accepted.
RayaSignalNotImplementedSignal not implemented.
RayaSimulatorErrorAn error occurred in the Ra-Ya simulator.
RayaArgumentErrorAn error occurred with an argument.
RayaRequiredArgumentErrorA required argument is missing.
RayaArgumentNotExistsArgument does not exist.
RayaOutsideSetupCommand is outside of the setup.
RayaCustomCommandNotAvailableCustom command is not available.
RayaCustomMissingRequiredParameterRequired parameter is missing for the custom command.
RayaCustomErrorParsingParameterAn error occurred while parsing the parameter for the custom command.

Filesystem Exceptions

Inherit from RayaFileSystemException:

RayaNotValidPathPath not valid.
RayaNotDataPathPath is not a data path.
RayaFolderDoesNotExistFolder does not exist.
RayaFileDoesNotExistFile does not exist.
RayaDownloadErrorAn error occurred while downloading the requested url file.
RayaWrongFileExtensionWrong extension on file.

Skills Exceptions

Inherit from RayaSkillException:

RayaSkillWrongTypeSkill argument wrong type.
RayaSkillMissingArgumentRequired skill argument missing.
RayaSkillUnknownArgumentAn unknown skill argument was passed.
RayaSkillCreationErrorAn error occurred while creating the skill.
RayaSkillRunErrorAn error occurred while running the skill.
RayaSkillAlreadyInitializedSkill already initialized.
RayaSkillNotInitializedSkill not initialized.
RayaSkillAbortedSkill aborted.

Task Exceptions

Inherit from RayaTaskException:

RayaTaskAlreadyRunningTask already running.
RayaTaskNotRunningTask not running.
RayaTaskWrongFunctionTask wrong function use.
RayaTaskNotAvailableReturnTask does not have a return value.

Value Exceptions

Inherit from RayaValueException:

RayaInvalidNumericRangeInvalid numeric range: low value ir greater than high value, or one of the range limits is not a number.
RayaWrongArgumentInvalid argument.

Controller Exceptions

Inherit from RayaControllerException:

RayaNotRecognizedControllerController not recognized.
RayaNeedCallbackA callback is needed.

Listener Exceptions

Inherit from RayaListenerException:

RayaListenerAlreadyCreatedSpecified listener name already created.
RayaListenerUnknownListener unknown.
RayaInvalidCallbackInvalid Callback.

Sensors Exceptions

Inherit from RayaSensorsException:

RayaSensorsUnknownPathSelected sensor path not recognized.
RayaSensorsIncompatiblePathSelected sensor path incompatible with current robot.
RayaSensorsInvalidPathSelected sensor path not valid for current method.

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