  • 2 Minutes to read


Article summary

Checks to see if the pose derived from the given arguments is valid for the specified arm. Uses the euler representation (roll, pitch, and yaw) to describe orientations.



ArgumentsTypeDefault valueDescription
armstrThe arm to check the pose validity for.
xfloatX-coordinate of the pose to check.
yfloatY-coordinate of the pose to check.
zfloatZ-coordinate of the pose to check.
rollfloatRoll angle of the pose to check.
pitchfloatPitch angle of the pose to check.
yawfloatYaw angle of the pose to check.
start_xfloat0.0Starting X-coordinate for the validity check.
start_yfloat0.0Starting Y-coordinate for the validity check.
start_zfloat0.0Starting Z-coordinate for the validity check.
start_rollfloat0.0Starting roll angle for the validity check.
start_pitchfloat0.0Starting pitch angle for the validity check.
start_yawfloat0.0Starting yaw angle for the validity check.
start_jointslist[]Starting joint values for the validity check.
name_start_jointslist[]Names of the starting joints for the validity check.
use_start_poseboolFalseWhether to use the starting pose for the validity check .
use_start_jointsboolFalseWhether to use the starting joints for the validity check.
cartesian_pathboolFalseWhether to follow a cartesian path.
tilt_constraintboolFalseWhether to apply a tilt constraint.
use_obstaclesboolFalseWhether to use obstacles during execution.
cameraslist[]List of cameras.
update_obstaclesboolFalseWhether to update obstacles.
min_bbox_clear_obstacleslist[]List of minimum bounding boxes for clearing obstacles.
max_bbox_clear_obstacleslist[]List of maximum bounding boxes for clearing obstacles.
save_trajectoryboolFalseWhether to save the trajectory.
name_trajectorystr''Name of the trajectory.
velocity_scalingfloat0.0Scaling factor for velocity.
acceleration_scalingfloat0.0Scaling factor for acceleration.
callback_finishCallableNoneCallable function for finish.
callback_finish_asyncCallableNonecallable function for finish.
waitboolFalseWhether to wait for user response.

Callback Finish Arguments

errorintCode for the type of error encountered (0 if no error).
error_msgstrDetails regarding the error (empty if no error).
distancefloatDistance from the actual position of the gripper to the final pose.
fractionfloatFraction of the trajectory realized.
final_positionfloat []The final joints position in the trajectory to get the pose is being checked.
start_positionfloat[]The start joints position in the trajectory to get the pose is being checked.


floatDistance from the actual position of the gripper to the final pose.
floatFraction of the trajectory realized.
float []The final joints position in the trajectory to get the pose is being checked.
float []The start joints position in the trajectory to get the pose is being checked.


  • RayaInvalidCallback
  • RayaArmsException
  • RayaArmsInvalidArmOrGroupName
  • RayaArmsExternalException

See the complete list of arms exceptions

Usage example

See the Arms Check Pose Example and Arms Check Pose Obstacles Example to check the validity of some poses.

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