Floor lights
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Floor lights

Article Summary

Floor lights overview

In this section you will find an explanation about the design and purpose of the light ring, a description and code for existing atoms and tips for designing your own atoms.

  • To have robots comfortably fit into our lives, we need to be able to understand their intentions. In the lack of gaze or head tilt, it is difficult for us to understand what a robot is going to do and what direction it is about to turn.
  • Adding “signal lights” allows Gary to inform the user of its direction of motion. These lights illuminate the floor in four possible directions.
  • Since this is a visually subtel output, it is also relevant for other purposes like operation at night time. For example, Gary can light the way to the bathroom in the dark, or patrol an area for security.
  • The floor light atoms are on by default and will automatically operate when Gary is moving.
  • The floor lights are comprised of LED strips, and each individual LED is available for programing.

Floor lights atoms

Moving forward

Presented when Gary is moving forward

Moving to the right

Presented when Gary is moving to the right
moving to the right.gif

Moving backward

Presented when Gary is moving backward

Moving to the left

Presented when Gary is moving to the left
moving to the left.gif

Turning off

all floor lights are on (all four sides) and all turn off slowly. Presented when Gary arrives at the dock and turns off, or in any other situation when Gary turns off.
all off.gif

The floor lights operate automatically

Whenever Gary is moving in space (meaning- motion that is performed using the wheels) the floor lights will turn on according to the direction. You cannot override the floor lights, since it is meant to provide the user with critical information about Gary’s actions in real time.

Designing new floor lights atoms

  • Despite the fact that as long as Gary is moving the floor lights operate automatically, it is an output that is available for you to use.
  • You can use the floor lights output creatively, and incorporate it in your app in interesting ways when Gary is not moving.
  • The advantage of the floor lights is that it can be used to illuminate a bit of the surroundings.

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