- 14 Minutes to read
Arranging the home
- 14 Minutes to read
Arranging Home App
On this tutorial, we are going to arrange the apartment and bring all the cups/bottles that we find to the kitchen.
The scene that we will use for this tutorial is the apartment scene.
You can try to develop the application by yourself. For this app you will need to use, at least, the following controllers: motion, navigation, cameras, CV, arms and grasping.
Below you will find a partial code of the application (we looked for the objects only in the bathroom and not in the entire house), and a very detailed explanation for each piece of code that we wrote.
Remember that you need first to create a new app using rayasdk init
command. For more information, you can visit our create your first app section or CLI reference section,
App (partial) code
# Common Imports
import cv2
import argparse
import numpy as np
# Raya Imports
from raya.application_base import RayaApplicationBase
from raya.controllers.cameras_controller import CamerasController
from raya.controllers.cv_controller import CVController
from raya.controllers.cv_controller import DetectionObjectsHandler
from raya.controllers.grasping_controller import GraspingController
from raya.controllers.arms_controller import ArmsController
from raya.controllers.motion_controller import MotionController
from raya.controllers.navigation_controller import NavigationController
from raya.controllers.navigation_controller import POS_UNIT
from raya.tools.image import show_image
from raya.exceptions import RayaCVAlreadyEnabledType
from raya.application_base import RayaApplicationBase
from raya.exceptions import RayaNavNotNavigating
OBJECT_ZONES = {'kitchen': ['cup', 'bottle'], 'room01': []}
class RayaApplication(RayaApplicationBase):
async def setup(self):
## Common Variables
self.arrived = False
self.grasped = False
self.retries = 0
self.max_tries = 3
self.detection = []
self.arms_dict = {'right_arm' : [False, 0.0], 'left_arm' : [False, 0.0]}
self.objets_to_clean = {}
self.model_name = 'coral_efficientdet_lite0_320_coco'
self.location_name2 = 'kitchen'
self.predefined_pose_nav = 'nav_with_object2'
self.predefined_pose_pre_pick = 'pre_step_3'
self.predefined_pose_home = 'right_arm_home'
self.point = [-2.6, 0.6, 0.85]
## Get Arguments
## Initialize neccesary Controllers
self.cameras: CamerasController = await self.enable_controller('cameras')
self.cv: CVController = await self.enable_controller('cv')
self.motion: MotionController = await self.enable_controller('motion')
self.nav: NavigationController = await self.enable_controller('navigation')
self.gsp: GraspingController = await self.enable_controller('grasping')
self.arms: ArmsController = await self.enable_controller("arms")
## Enable Color Camera
await self.cameras.enable_color_camera(self.camera_name)
## Set navigation variables
self.log.info((f'Setting map: {self.map_name}. '
'Waiting for the robot to get localized'))
if not await self.nav.set_map(self.map_name,
self.log.info((f'Robot couldn\'t localize itself'))
self.status = await self.nav.get_status()
self.log.info(f'status: {self.status}')
## Callbacks Navigation
def cb_nav_finish(self, error, error_msg):
print(f'cb_nav_finish {error} {error_msg}')
self.arrived = True
def cb_nav_feedback(self, state, distance_to_goal, speed):
print(f'cb_nav_feedback {state} {distance_to_goal} {speed}')
## Callbacks Object Detection
def cb_object_detected(self, detection):
self.detection = detection
def callback_color_frame(self, img):
detections = self.detector.get_current_detections()
detection_names = []
for detection in detections:
img = cv2.rectangle(img,
(detection['x_min'], detection['y_min']),
(detection['x_max'], detection['y_max']),
(0, 255, 0),
img = cv2.putText(img, detection['object_name'], (detection['x_min'], detection['y_min'] - 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
0.5, (0, 0, 255), 2)
show_image(img, 'Video from Gary\'s camera', scale = 0.5)
## Grasping Pick Callbacks
def cb_grasping_pick_finish(self, error, error_msg, result):
self.grasped = True
if error != 0:
self.log.info(f'error: {error} {error_msg}')
self.arm = str(result['arm_pick'])
self.real_height = result['height_object']
self.log.info(f"Object height: {str(result['height_object'])}")
self.log.info(f"Arm: {str(result['arm_pick'])}")
self.log.info('Finish picking object')
def cb_grasping_pick_feedback(self, state):
self.log.info(f'State: {state}')
## Grasping Place Callbacks
def cb_grasping_place_finish(self, error, error_msg):
self.grasped = True
if error != 0:
self.log.info(f'error: {error} {error_msg}')
self.log.info('Finish place object')
def cb_grasping_place_feedback(self, state):
self.log.info(f'State: {state}')
## Arms Callbacks
def callback_arm_feedback(self, arg1, arg2):
self.log.info(f"ARM:{arg1} PERCENTAGE:{arg2:.2f}")
def callback_arm_finish(self, error, error_msg):
if error == 0:
self.log.info('Predefined pose finished')
self.log.info(f'Predefined pose failed, error {error}')
## Common Functions
def get_args(self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-m', '--map-name',
default='unity_apartment', required=False,
help='Map name')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--location-name',
default='room01', required=False,
help='Location name')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--camera-name',
default='shoulder_right', required=False,
help='Camera name')
args = parser.parse_args()
self.map_name = args.map_name
self.location_name = args.location_name
self.camera_name = args.camera_name
def check_objects_to_clean(self, detection):
if detection['object_name'] not in self.objets_to_clean:
self.objets_to_clean[detection['object_name']] = [detection['center_point_map']]
add_obj = True
for objects in self.objets_to_clean[detection['object_name']]:
p1 = np.array(detection['center_point_map'])
p2 = np.array(objects)
squared_dist = np.sum((p1-p2)**2, axis=0)
dist = np.sqrt(squared_dist)
if dist < 1:
add_obj = False
if add_obj and detection['object_name'] in OBJECT_ZONES[self.location_name]:
def check_predefined_pose(self, pose, arm):
if not pose in self.arms.get_list_predefined_poses(
raise ValueError(
f"the predefined_pose {pose} is not avaliable for this arm"
async def execute_predefined_pose(self, predefined_pose: str, arm):
print(f"\n Start the execution of the predefined pose {predefined_pose}\n")
await self.arms.set_predefined_pose(
def get_available_arms(self):
arms = []
for arm in self.arms_dict:
if not self.arms_dict[arm][0]:
return arms
async def go_to_pose(self, pose, arm):
self.check_predefined_pose(pose, arm)
await self.execute_predefined_pose(pose, arm)
await self.sleep(0.5)
async def loop(self):
## Get location Point
self.log.info(f'Goint to {self.location_name}')
## Navigate to location
await self.nav.navigate_to_location(
zone_name= self.location_name,
callback_feedback = self.cb_nav_feedback,
callback_finish = self.cb_nav_finish,
while not self.arrived: await self.sleep(0.1)
## Enable detection model
self.log.info('Enabling object detection model')
self.detector: DetectionObjectsHandler = \
await self.cv.enable_model(model='detectors',
name= self.model_name,
model_params = {'depth': True})
except RayaCVAlreadyEnabledType:
await self.cv.disable_model(model='detectors',type='object')
self.log.info('Run again...')
# Create camera listener
self.log.info('Model and camera enabled')
self.log.info(f'Looking for objects')
## Rotate 360 degrees
await self.motion.rotate(angle=-360.0, angular_velocity=30.0, wait=False)
while self.motion.is_moving(): await self.sleep(0.1)
if self.motion.is_moving(): await self.motion.cancel_motion()
## Disable Camera
self.log.info('Disabling camera...')
## Check Objects to clean
if len(self.objets_to_clean) > 0:
# ## Move arms to pre_setep3 pose
# for arm in self.arms_dict:
# await self.go_to_pose(self.predefined_pose_pre_pick, arm)
## Loop in objects to clean
for obj in self.objets_to_clean:
for point in self.objets_to_clean[obj]:
## Get X and Y point
obj_x = point[0]
obj_y = point[1]
self.log.info(f'Object position in the map: x: {obj_x} y: {obj_y}')
## Navigate To Point
while self.retries < self.max_tries:
await self.nav.navigate_close_to_position(x=obj_x, y=obj_y,
self.retries += 1
self.log.info(f'Navigation succes!!')
## Obtain available arms to pick
available_arms = self.get_available_arms()
## Try to pick object
self.grasped = False
await self.gsp.pick_object(detector_model = self.model_name,
source = self.camera_name, object_name = obj,
arms = available_arms,
callback_feedback = self.cb_grasping_pick_feedback,
callback_finish = self.cb_grasping_pick_finish,
self.log.info(f'Pick Object started...')
while (not self.grasped):await self.sleep(0.1)
## Update arms state
self.arms_dict[self.arm][0] = True
self.arms_dict[self.arm][1] = self.real_height
## Move backward 0.3 meters at 0.3 m/s
self.log.info('Moving backward 0.3 meters at 0.3 m/s')
await self.motion.move_linear(distance=-0.3, x_velocity=0.3)
while self.motion.is_moving(): await self.sleep(0.1)
self.log.info('Motion command finished')
## Move arm to navigate pose
await self.go_to_pose(self.predefined_pose_nav, self.arm)
self.log.error(f'Nothing to clean')
## Navigate to location
self.arrived = False
await self.nav.navigate_to_location(
zone_name= self.location_name2,
callback_feedback = self.cb_nav_feedback,
callback_finish = self.cb_nav_finish,
while not self.arrived: await self.sleep(0.1)
# ## Move arms to pre_place pose
# for arm in self.arms_dict:
# await self.go_to_pose(self.predefined_pose_pre_pick, arm)
## Loop to check arms state
for arms_place in self.arms_dict:
## If arm have an object
if self.arms_dict[arms_place][0]:
## Navigate To Point
self.log.info(f'Object position in the map: x: {self.point[0]} y: {self.point[1]}')
while self.retries < self.max_tries:
await self.nav.navigate_close_to_position(x=self.point[0], y =self.point[1],
self.retries += 1
self.log.info(f'Navigation succes!!')
## Place Object
self.log.info(f'Placing Object')
self.grasped = False
await self.gsp.place_object_with_point(point_to_place = self.point,
height_object = self.arms_dict[arms_place][1], arm = arms_place,
callback_feedback = self.cb_grasping_place_feedback,
callback_finish = self.cb_grasping_place_finish,
while (not self.grasped): await self.sleep(0.1)
self.log.info(f'Place Object with point finished...')
## Move point to place another object
self.point[0] -= -0.25
## Move backward 0.3 meters at 0.3 m/s
self.log.info('Moving backward 0.3 meters at 0.3 m/s')
await self.motion.move_linear(distance=-0.3, x_velocity=0.3)
while self.motion.is_moving(): await self.sleep(0.1)
self.log.info('Motion command finished')
## Go to home pose
await self.go_to_pose(f'{arms_place}_home', arms_place)
## Finish app
async def finish(self):
await self.nav.cancel_navigation()
if self.camera_name != None:
self.log.info('Disabling model...')
await self.cv.disable_model(model='detectors',type='object')
self.log.info('Disabling camera...')
except RayaNavNotNavigating:
self.log.info('Finish app called')
Analyizing the code
This is the full code. Let's analyze this code line by line:
Imports & Constants
# Raya Imports
from raya.application_base import RayaApplicationBase
from raya.controllers.cameras_controller import CamerasController
from raya.controllers.cv_controller import CVController
from raya.controllers.cv_controller import DetectionObjectsHandler
from raya.controllers.grasping_controller import GraspingController
from raya.controllers.arms_controller import ArmsController
from raya.controllers.motion_controller import MotionController
from raya.controllers.navigation_controller import NavigationController
from raya.controllers.navigation_controller import POS_UNIT
from raya.tools.image import show_image
from raya.exceptions import RayaCVAlreadyEnabledType
from raya.exceptions import RayaNavNotNavigating
These imports grant us access to crucial functionalities. The RayaApplicationBase library is a
staple in every Ra-Ya app, as it embeds all the needed functions for controlling Gary. The main
application class must be called RayaApplication , and must inherit from
RayaApplicationBase . All the application functionalities should be written inside this class.
The POS_UNIT enumerations help specify whether degrees or radians are used,
and pixels or meters.
The show_image allows us to visualize the camera in use.
Finally raya.exceptions, with these we can call exceptions to control certain behaviors.
Global Variables
OBJECT_ZONES = {'kitchen': ['cup', 'bottle'], 'room01': []}
OBJECT_ZONES specifies the zones and the objects that must be in each of them.
async def setup(self):
In any Ra-Ya application, the setup() is called once at the beginning of the app execution. This
function is the place to prepare all the tools the app might use. This includes enabling controllers
and creating listeners.
## Common Variables
self.arrived = False
self.grasped = False
self.retries = 0
self.max_tries = 3
self.detection = []
self.arms_dict = {'right_arm' : [False, 0.0], 'left_arm' : [False, 0.0]}
self.objets_to_clean = {}
self.model_name = 'coral_efficientdet_lite0_320_coco'
self.location_name2 = 'kitchen'
self.predefined_pose_nav = 'nav_with_object2'
self.predefined_pose_pre_pick = 'pre_step_3'
self.predefined_pose_home = 'right_arm_home'
self.point = [-2.6, 0.6, 0.85]
Here we initialize variables that we will need to use and modify in different parts of the code.
## Get Arguments
The function needed to get the terminal arguments is called.
## Initialize neccesary Controllers
self.cameras: CamerasController = await self.enable_controller('cameras')
self.cv: CVController = await self.enable_controller('cv')
self.motion: MotionController = await self.enable_controller('motion')
self.nav: NavigationController = await self.enable_controller('navigation')
self.gsp: GraspingController = await self.enable_controller('grasping')
self.arms: ArmsController = await self.enable_controller("arms")
Here we call each of the controllers that we will use in the application to move, navigate, grab objects, detect, etc.
## Enable Color Camera
await self.cameras.enable_color_camera(self.camera_name)
The camera that we will use in the application is enabled.
## Set navigation variables
self.log.info((f'Setting map: {self.map_name}. '
'Waiting for the robot to get localized'))
if not await self.nav.set_map(self.map_name,
self.log.info((f'Robot couldn\'t localize itself'))
self.status = await self.nav.get_status()
self.log.info(f'status: {self.status}')
The map to be used in the application is set through the navigation controller and information on the current state of the robot is obtained.
Navigation Callbacks
## Callbacks Navigation
def cb_nav_finish(self, error, error_msg):
print(f'cb_nav_finish {error} {error_msg}')
self.arrived = True
def cb_nav_feedback(self, state, distance_to_goal, speed):
print(f'cb_nav_feedback {state} {distance_to_goal} {speed}')
Callbacks used to check the status and completion of navigation.
Object Detection Callbacks
## Callbacks Object Detection
def cb_object_detected(self, detection):
self.detection = detection
def callback_color_frame(self, img):
detections = self.detector.get_current_detections()
detection_names = []
for detection in detections:
img = cv2.rectangle(img,
(detection['x_min'], detection['y_min']),
(detection['x_max'], detection['y_max']),
(0, 255, 0),
img = cv2.putText(img, detection['object_name'], (detection['x_min'], detection['y_min'] - 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
0.5, (0, 0, 255), 2)
show_image(img, 'Video from Gary\'s camera', scale = 0.5)
Callbacks used to get object detection and show the camera.
Grasping Pick Callbacks
## Grasping Pick Callbacks
def cb_grasping_pick_finish(self, error, error_msg, result):
self.grasped = True
if error != 0:
self.log.info(f'error: {error} {error_msg}')
self.arm = str(result['arm_pick'])
self.real_height = result['height_object']
self.log.info(f"Object height: {str(result['height_object'])}")
self.log.info(f"Arm: {str(result['arm_pick'])}")
self.log.info('Finish picking object')
def cb_grasping_pick_feedback(self, state):
self.log.info(f'State: {state}')
Callbacks used to check the status and completion of the pick object.
Grasping Place Callbacks
## Grasping Place Callbacks
def cb_grasping_place_finish(self, error, error_msg):
self.grasped = True
if error != 0:
self.log.info(f'error: {error} {error_msg}')
self.log.info('Finish place object')
def cb_grasping_place_feedback(self, state):
self.log.info(f'State: {state}')
Callbacks used to check the status and completion of the place object.
Arms Callbacks
## Arms Callbacks
def callback_arm_feedback(self, arg1, arg2):
self.log.info(f"ARM:{arg1} PERCENTAGE:{arg2:.2f}")
def callback_arm_finish(self, error, error_msg):
if error == 0:
self.log.info('Predefined pose finished')
self.log.info(f'Predefined pose failed, error {error}')
Callbacks used to check the status and completion of arms moves.
Common use methods
def get_args(self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-m', '--map-name',
default='', required=True,
help='Map name')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--location-name',
default='kitchen', required=False,
help='Location name')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--camera-name',
default='', required=True,
help='Camera name')
args = parser.parse_args()
self.map_name = args.map_name
self.location_name = args.location_name
self.camera_name = args.camera_name
Function where the allowed and necessary arguments and their default value are established.
def check_objects_to_clean(self, detection):
if detection['object_name'] not in self.objets_to_clean:
self.objets_to_clean[detection['object_name']] = [detection['center_point_map']]
add_obj = True
for objects in self.objets_to_clean[detection['object_name']]:
p1 = np.array(detection['center_point_map'])
p2 = np.array(objects)
squared_dist = np.sum((p1-p2)**2, axis=0)
dist = np.sqrt(squared_dist)
if dist < 1:
add_obj = False
if add_obj and detection['object_name'] in OBJECT_ZONES[self.location_name]:
With this method we can check if a detected object should be cleaned and if it is already added to the list by means of its location on the map.
predefine_pose methods
def check_predefined_pose(self, pose, arm):
if not pose in self.arms.get_list_predefined_poses(
raise ValueError(
f"the predefined_pose {pose} is not avaliable for this arm"
async def execute_predefined_pose(self, predefined_pose: str, arm):
print(f"\n Start the execution of the predefined pose {predefined_pose}\n")
await self.arms.set_predefined_pose(
With these two methods it is checked if a predefined pose is possible to do and it is executed.
def get_available_arms(self):
arms = []
for arm in self.arms_dict:
if not self.arms_dict[arm][0]:
return arms
This method returns the arms available for pick.
async go_to_pose(pose, arm)
async def go_to_pose(self, pose, arm):
self.check_predefined_pose(pose, arm)
await self.execute_predefined_pose(pose, arm)
await self.sleep(0.5)
This method calls the methods necessary to go to a predefined pose.
async def loop(self):
The loop() function is the central part of most Ra-Ya applications. Since it is constantly being
called, the code inside it is run until the application finishes via finish_app() or another
## Get location Point
self.log.info(f'Goint to {self.location_name}')
Shows in terminal that it is going to navigate to the specified place.
## Navigate to location
await self.nav.navigate_to_location(
zone_name= self.location_name,
callback_feedback = self.cb_nav_feedback,
callback_finish = self.cb_nav_finish,
while not self.arrived: await self.sleep(0.1)
The navigate_to_location method of the navigation controller is called, which navigates to the center of a map area.
## Enable detection model
self.log.info('Enabling object detection model')
self.detector: DetectionObjectsHandler = \
await self.cv.enable_model(model='detectors',
name= self.model_name,
model_params = {'depth': True})
except RayaCVAlreadyEnabledType:
await self.cv.disable_model(model='detectors',type='object')
self.log.info('Run again...')
An attempt is made to enable the object detection model, if for some reason this fails, an exception is thrown and the program is terminated.
# Create camera listener
The camera is enabled, this method has as input parameter a method that will be called every time a frame from the camera arrives.
## Rotate 360 degrees
await self.motion.rotate(angle=-360.0, angular_velocity=30.0, wait=False)
while self.motion.is_moving(): await self.sleep(0.1)
if self.motion.is_moving(): await self.motion.cancel_motion()
By means of the motion controller, the robot is instructed to make a -360 turn in order to perform a scan of the entire area in which it is located.
## Disable Camera
self.log.info('Disabling camera...')
In these lines of code the camera is disabled since it has already performed the necessary scan.
## Check Objects to clean
if len(self.objets_to_clean) > 0:
It is validated if the list of objects to be cleaned is greater than zero
for obj in self.objets_to_clean:
for point in self.objets_to_clean[obj]:
A loop is performed in order to go through all the objects that must be cleaned and get their previously obtained location on the map.
## Get X and Y point
obj_x = point[0]
obj_y = point[1]
self.log.info(f'Object position in the map: x: {obj_x} y: {obj_y}')
The X and Y position is extracted and showed in terminal.
## Navigate To Point
while self.retries < self.max_tries:
await self.nav.navigate_close_to_position(x=obj_x, y=obj_y,
self.retries += 1
self.log.info(f'Navigation succes!!')
Navigate as close as possible to the point where the object is.
## Obtain available arms to pick
available_arms = self.get_available_arms()
The method that returns the list of arms available to grab the object is called.
## Try to pick object
self.grasped = False
await self.gsp.pick_object(detector_model = self.model_name,
source = self.camera_name, object_name = obj,
arms = available_arms,
callback_feedback = self.cb_grasping_pick_feedback,
callback_finish = self.cb_grasping_pick_finish,
self.log.info(f'Pick Object started...')
while (not self.grasped):await self.sleep(0.1)
By means of the grasping controller it calls the sequence that picks the object.
## Update arms state
self.arms_dict[self.arm][0] = True
self.arms_dict[self.arm][1] = self.real_height
At the end of the pick, it updates the status of the arm.
## Move backward 0.3 meters at 0.3 m/s
self.log.info('Moving backward 0.3 meters at 0.3 m/s')
await self.motion.move_linear(distance=-0.3, x_velocity=0.3)
while self.motion.is_moving(): await self.sleep(0.1)
self.log.info('Motion command finished')
It moves back 0.3 meters in order to have a clear path to navigate again.
## Move arm to navigate pose
await self.go_to_pose(self.predefined_pose_nav, self.arm)
The arm is moved to the optimal position to navigate.
self.log.error(f'Nothing to clean')
If there are no objects to clean, the console is notified and the program ends.
## Navigate to location
self.arrived = False
await self.nav.navigate_to_location(
zone_name= self.location_name2,
callback_feedback = self.cb_nav_feedback,
callback_finish = self.cb_nav_finish,
while not self.arrived: await self.sleep(0.1)
The navigate_to_location method of the navigation controller is called, which navigates to the center of a map area. In this case Kitchen.
## Loop to check arms state
for arms_place in self.arms_dict:
A loop is performed to check the status of the arms.
## If arm have an object
if self.arms_dict[arms_place][0]:
If either arm has an object, the program continues. Otherwise it ends
## Navigate To Point
self.log.info(f'Object position in the map: x: {self.point[0]} y: {self.point[1]}')
while self.retries < self.max_tries:
await self.nav.navigate_close_to_position(x=self.point[0], y =self.point[1], pos_unit=POS_UNIT.METERS,wait=True)
self.retries += 1
self.log.info(f'Navigation succes!!')
Navigate as close as possible to the point where the object will be placed.
## Place Object
self.log.info(f'Placing Object')
self.grasped = False
await self.gsp.place_object_with_point(point_to_place = self.point,
height_object = self.arms_dict[arms_place][1], arm = arms_place,
callback_feedback = self.cb_grasping_place_feedback,
callback_finish = self.cb_grasping_place_finish,
while (not self.grasped): await self.sleep(0.1)
self.log.info(f'Place Object with point finished...')
The controller's grasping method is called to perform the sequence of putting the object at the specified point.
## Move point to place another object
self.point[0] -= -0.25
The point is moved a little, given the case that it finds another object to put, they do not collide.
## Move backward 0.3 meters at 0.3 m/s
self.log.info('Moving backward 0.3 meters at 0.3 m/s')
await self.motion.move_linear(distance=-0.3, x_velocity=0.3)
while self.motion.is_moving(): await self.sleep(0.1)
self.log.info('Motion command finished')
The robot moves backwards 0.3 meters.
## Go to home pose
await self.go_to_pose(f'{arms_place}_home', arms_place)
The arm is moved to its home position.
## Finish app
The function that terminates the program is called.
async def finish(self):
await self.nav.cancel_navigation()
if self.camera_name != None:
self.log.info('Disabling model...')
await self.cv.disable_model(model='detectors',type='object')
self.log.info('Disabling camera...')
except RayaNavNotNavigating:
self.log.info('Finish app called')
This function is the place for disabling and closing any listeners, scanners, and actions that might
still be operating.
In this case, all that can be done is a safety check to stop any motions that might still be in
progress. That’s it!