Setting Up the Development Environment
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Setting Up the Development Environment

Article summary

This page will help you to install the required tools/packages to create & run your first robotics application.

1. Operating Systems

The Ra-Ya SDK is currently compatible with the following operating systems:

OSVersion (tested)
LinuxUbuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, and derivated.*
Windows10, 11

*Linux compilation of Ra-Ya SDK is a completely static build, so it should work with most of the recent Linux distributions over anaconda virtual environments.

2. Requirements


You need an installed version of Python 3.8.10.


Install Docker and verify that you can execute commands without Sudo:

After you finish the Docker installation steps, please reboot your computer     

Windows X Server (relevant only for Windows)

The first step is to install and configure VcXsrv Windows X Server (Xming also could be used).

choco install vcxsrv

Please enter this command as an administrator in PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt. After that, restart your machine.

Then, Open Xlaunch from the start menu and follow the configuration steps:

Save the config file in your Startup folder (which you can find by hitting Windows key + r and running shell:startup).

3. RaYa SDK installation

We extremely recommend you install the SDK ina virtual environment with some environment management systems like  conda. In that case, you can skip the first command.

sudo apt install python3-pip
choco apt install python3-pip

pip3 install rayasdk

Well done! the environment is ready and we can start creating your first robotics app!

Now you can go to the Create your First App section to get started with the SDK and Python Applications.

4. Troubleshooting

raya doesn't work/respond after installation-> make sure you've restarted your computer after the executing raya install commands

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