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Article Summary

Light color overview

  • We consider color to be an atom, since it may change the meaning of other atoms.
  • The LEDs embedded on Gary are RGB LEDs and can therefore present all colors.
  • In Gary’s operating system we use four distinct colors of light to indicate different operation mods. These are the colors and their meaning:
  • Since the color is an indication of mode, in any given time all the lights on Gary are in the same color.
  • The same atom can have a different meaning depending on the color atom it is attached to.

Color atoms

Light blue- Gary is on, attentive and operating

Green- Gary is in developer mode

Red- malfunction or low battery

White- Gary is charging

Designing new color atoms

The color of Gary’s lights is very dominant in its appearance and you should take it under consideration.
You can attach any color you want to Gary’s lights while your app is running.
Make sure not to use the mode indicating colors in a different meaning. For example, if Gary’s operating system marks “malfunction” with red light, it will cause confusion if you use red in your app and attach a different meaning to it.

Leave the disco vibe in the 70’s

There can be many reasons to incorporate several colors of light in Gary’s interactions, but you must do so thoughtfully. Using several different colors just because you can may lead to messy results that are annoying to be around. A good example for using several colors at once and achieving a good result- designing an alarm clock app for Gary, that wakes up the user with natural sunrise shades of light. So Gary can light up from the bottom up in colors of yellow, orange and red.

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